Thursday, July 2, 2009


Hello family and friends!  I plan to use this journal to chronicle my experiences as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Zambia. For the next two years I'll be working with the Zambian government to establish and develop small aquaculture (fish-farming) businesses to help boost the income of rural communities. This means learning about local aquaculture methods, teaching small business skills, and building organizational capacity in local farming networks.

My journey begins on July 21 in Washington DC, where I will meet for two days with other newly-minted PC-Zambia volunteers. Then we will all fly to Zambia together for 9 weeks of training before being shipped off to our assigned posts.

If you find something interesting, have news/stories from home to share, or are suddenly struck by a brilliant international development idea, please do send me a comment, an email, or an old-fashioned snail mail letter. Snail mail is particularly welcome since I will likely be without electricity most of the time. I will always keep my address up-to-date on the sidebar <--